About Us

Our Mission
To provide a safe environment for women and men broken by abortion to renew, rebuild, and redeem their hearts, souls, minds, and bodies through a Catholic, scripturally-based retreat program.

Our History 
Rachel’s Vineyard International was established in 1995 by Dr. Theresa Burke. Rachel’s Vineyard is the leading post-abortive retreat program around the world and is offered in 33+ languages. Today, Rachel’s Vineyard operates retreats in more than 50 countries and has over 200 established sites. Rachel’s Vineyard Colorado held its first retreat in May of 2002. Since then, Rachel’s Vineyard Colorado has held more than 60 retreats and continues to hold three retreats each year.
Our Team
Our ministry team consists of a Priest, Therapist and trained lay facilitators who are caring and compassionate individuals. Many of our retreat staff have also experienced the pain of abortion. We know it takes courage to face the past after an abortion. We will be by your side to walk the journey with you.
Invite a Rachel’s Vineyard team member to share their testimony at your event.
Through their heartfelt and honest stories, audiences hear firsthand the profound pain and suffering that abortion leaves behind. However, the audience will also hear that through God’s mercy and forgiveness there is incredible hope and healing after abortion. Hearing the testimonies of others who have walked the tragic path of abortion opens the door for the women and men in your parish or community to seek healing as well. Please give us a call and schedule a presentation today.
Executive Director of Rachel’s Vineyard Colorado
Lori is a Catholic wife of 53 years, mother and grandmother. She has been involved in Marriage Encounter, Teens Encounter Christ, Marriage Prep, Pro-Life Programs, church faith sharing groups, and a graduate of the Denver Biblical School. Lori is also a Stephen Minister, active in a woman’s faith sharing group, and has given her testimony at churches, Deacon Deanery meetings, fundraisers and on the Denver Capitol Steps for the Silent No More Awareness Campaign and the March for Life Rally. After working with Rachel’s Vineyard for the past 20 years, she is now the Executive Director of Rachel’s Vineyard Colorado.
Leader of the Respect Life Ministry and Rachel's Vineyard Colorado Leadership Team
Kathy is a Catholic wife, mother, pro-life author, and post-abortion testimonial speaker and is part owner of a family real estate investment company. She has a masters degree in international business, is a graduate of the Denver Catholic Biblical School, and has volunteered in the pro-life arena since 2008 when she entered the Catholic Church. Kathy spoke at the Denver March for Life in 2013, and has spoken to youth groups, high school morality and religion classes, deanery meetings, and pro-life parish fundraisers. She serves on the board of Rachel’s Vineyard Colorado and is the leader of the Respect Life Ministry at her home parish in Denver.
Rachel’s Vineyard team members have spoken at the following locations:
Denver March for Life (2013) | High school youth ministry events | Catholic high school religion and morality classes | Deanery meetings | Parish pro-life fundraisers | 40 Days for Life events